Friday, June 25, 2010

And while I am at it....

Regardless that I personally like Loren Baker, I did mention months ago that his candidacy for County Council wasn't going to fly....and as much as I like my friends at the Conservative forum of Hawaii, I recall mentioning that their Consent of the Governed Act was going nowhere, not this year and not in 2012, and that while standing up in front of an audience comparing Obama to Hitler...might be appropriate in a private setting, in public it would put a person right in the center of the Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmann/Bobby Jindal/ Rand Paul family of nutcakes and that would be the end of anyone taking the group seriously...except for a small group of similarly-minded people.

Actually, I am more disturbed by the fact that otherwise intelligent people cannot grasp things which seem so obvious to me and choose to attack me personally for my observations...which just happen to be right for the most part.  In my defense, a lot of people call me a lot of things but no one has ever accused me of being stupid.

I will make these observations again:  Sarah Palin is not going to be the Republican candidate in 2012.  I thought it would probably be Newt Gingrich, but I'm not even sure the Republican party will still exist by then.

Barack Obama is not a secret agent of the Socialists. That's just stupid, OK?  He is flubbing his job but he had a chance to make history and he took it. He is almost two years into a four-year presidency and he has a very good chance of grabbing a second term simply because there isn't anyone else willing to assume the Presidency as the country tanks. However, if you are dis-enchanted (like I am), you had better pick someone and get them on the campaign trail.  I am not going to bother.  I have voted all of my life and volunteered for combat and have always done my civic duty...but now I just don't give a damn anymore.

Whether climate change is anthropogenic or not, the ecosphere is heating up.  Most scientists have reputations to protect and grants to apply for but I don't so I'll just say this AGAIN.  We are not going to stop burning fossil fuel until we run ourselves extinct.  That event will happen between 2020 and 2300 (when we run completely out of arable land).

My best guess is 2034-2054 (when we run out of water, food, oxygen and human-compatible temperatures), but I won't be here; If I am right, neither will most of you.  I believe that everyone in the world has now observed that the weather is becoming unstable. The VERY FIRST Pacific hurricane of the year, Celia, was a CAT 5 until it weakened.  Darby, right behind it, is already CAT 3 and strengthening.  By the end of this year we will very likely have a new designation: CAT 6. 

I believe that we have entered the next major extinction event and that it will become very noticeable, very quickly.  Noticing it is all anyone can do.  It isn't going to stop.

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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