Saturday, April 23, 2005

If I were in charge, part deux.

Prisons would be something you wouldn't want to be in. They would be cruel and unusual punishment because, when you are convicted of a felony, you lose your constitutional rights permanently and don't deserve good treatment. For instance, if you went to prison your family would have to pay your way. They don't pay, you don't eat or sleep inside. And it wouldn't be a choice thing. Everything your family owned would be sold and all of their income would be garnisheed until you got out AND total restitution was paid to the victim(s) so tax dollars don't have to be wasted on scumballs. But, to be fair, your family could always get out of it by volunteering you for medical experiments.

No TV, mail, or medical care.....unless the medical students from the nearby veterinary college are willing to practice on you for extra credit. No dental care. No free surgery. 16 hours a day on a chain gang until you die. I predict a zero recidivism rate because on the second conviction criminals would be sent to prison in Turkey or Pakistan or Lebanon.

For the non-incarcerated idiots who smoke cigarettes, you should not be entitled to ANY medical or life insurance. Intentionally inhaling the products of combustion is as stupid as it gets right after blowing yourself up for God.

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