Tuesday, November 7, 2006

The Domesday Book, Chapter IV

It is only a matter of time. No new weapon in history has ever been invented that was not eventually used by all sides in a conflagration, each one greater and more horrible than the last, with the possible exception of biological agents. We have 'em and will use them to clean up anything the nukes miss, but the problem with biologicals is that once they are loose in the wild they immediately begin to mutate in unpredictable ways. You can't stop them and you can't make them selective.

People in many countries have come to believe that they live in civilized societies and will be protected by the government or the police or God, so they pass anti-gun legislation and become victims waiting for someone to rape, rob and murder them. CSI is supposed to be a good show (I have never watched it), but the police.....and the CSI people don't arrive until someone finds the raped and mutilated bodies of the victims.

I would have been a victim several times over if I had not been given a rifle at a very young age and trained in it's use and the responsibility that goes with owning a gun at a very early age. But I was, and so I was ready to defend my home at age 6, which I did successfully. I believe that I live in a civilized nation, but I have been in several gunfights which I did not ask for or seek out, but they happened. I learned not to delegate my personal defense. I assume the responsibility for it. Marshall is another person who understands what I am saying. He has been there and he knows firsthand.

And MILLIONS.....that is MILLIONS of Americans a year prevent themselves from being victims of violent crimes by simply rejecting the mindset of victimology.

President Teddy Roosevelt, realized this and had schools teach kids to use firearms. Then everyone became lieberals and decided that Big Brother would protect them from all comers, and that boys needed to learn ballroom dancing. But it isn't true. If you want to be terrorized, forget the stupid Amber Alert crap you saw on the news. Lightning will strike more people than terrorists ever will.

Wait until you wake up in the middle of the night and realize someone is in your room. But when that person is in your room and you know you can't get to a phone and you know your kids are in the next room, you suddenly understand that you are no longer in control.....of your life, of your family's lives, of your body, of anything. Friends, THAT is terror. And the choices you could have made but didn't, and chose to be a victim instead, now guarantee that something really bad is about to happen. You can only hope that he strangles you BEFORE he mutilates your body. And regardless of what you see on TV, unless your attacker is a close relative, business associate or household member, if he doesn't leave a lot of forensic evidence, he (or she) may never get caught. Apart from druggies, there are probably sixty serial killers operating in the US right now. All they want to do is kill YOU. They have no mercy, and they haven't been caught. Most of them operate for years and most of them never get caught.

I am a strong advocate of people owning, and being proficient with firearms. "OMG!" you say! " I would never allow a firearm in my house because of my children". I know parents who won't let their kids learn to swim because they might drown. All you are doing is preventing these kids from being prepared to function in the real world. Don't take them camping, either. Don't let them play sports. God forbid they should fall down or get dirty.

Teach them that JESUS is in charge and won't let anything bad happen to them. Don't discipline them. Don't disrespect them by exercising any control at all. Then when they end up in jail for shooting all their classmates because they think it's a computer game or because they have been raised to be irresponsible sociopaths, blame society.

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