We need to fix the death penalty in this country. When someone is sentenced to death, they ought to be executed immediately. Forget all the appeals and BS. Take 'em out back and cap 'em. (Sorry Pat, that's what I think)
Then go into all the prisons and tell the lifers that serving life is a privilege, not a right, and that if they shank someone or attack a guard they get a dirt nap the same day. For that matter, ANYONE who is not a model prisoner every day in every way gets the chop.
Next we'll move on to congress and establish a policy of ethics that everyone can understand.
I would also change some of the stupid laws we have now. Eyewitness identification is notoriously poor and a lot of innocent people are in prison because they were incorrectly identified. I think eyewitnesses are a good start, but I also think there has to be corroborating evidence. Forensic science is quickly moving to make that a reality.
I also think child molesters and serial killers and rapists and sociopaths are not redeemable and cannot be rehabilitated, so they will always be dangerous to the community. If someone is convicted of brutality during a murder, or serial offenses and there is no shred of doubt as to their guilt AND they have no sense of remorse, they are not worth feeding and housing for the rest of their lives. Charlie Manson comes to mind. Karla Homulka is another one. She served a sentence and is now running around free, but she should have been executed.
In the case of pedophiles and rapists, their sex organs should be removed. End of problem.
I think that every citizen should have the right and the OBLIGATION to protect themselves and their family. Trust me, if someone breaks in here I am not going to end my life pleading with a 911 operator to send help that won't come until it's too late. Even if the person were caught and convicted, my life would have been over if I had been willing to depend on Big Brother to protect me. It cracks me up that women go and get restraining orders and the next day their ex comes over and murders them. They SHOULD have got a gun and learned how to use it.
I have a thing about drugs, too. I think drugs should be legal and cheap. If you want to sit in an alley and shoot heroin, go for it. At least you won't be burglarizing my house to get the money. Marijuana should be legalized immediately. The idea that it is a 'gateway' drug is simply wrong, and it is the largest cash crop in the US. The government should just collect their tax, pay off the national debt and be done with making citizens into criminals.
Where did everyone's common sense go?
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