Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Heady days

These are heady days and we simply cannot plot imaginary scenarios two years in the future.  We have to be based on some measure of reality and I, at least, cannot even begin to imagine what has happened every morning when I wake up.

There are strong voices suggesting global warming is a plot, FEMA has 600 fully staffed concentration camps in the US just waiting to take people who refuse the H1H1 vaccine which isn't even available, and it just gets crazier from there....Clinton replaced all the gold in Fort Knox with gold-covered tungsten bars, Obama's socialist agenda is in overdrive,....

This is what happens when the fabric of society begins to rip. Instead of seeking solutions, people blamestorm.  There is a concerted effort to effectively make firearms illegal.  That plan....ANY more restrictions on personal freedoms...and there is going to be a civil war.

I have some very liberal friends and some very conservative friends who happened to be in a firearms class I was giving.  They argued liberal vs conservative on a daily basis until I sent them down to the police department to apply for permits to acquire firearms.  After being cross-examined, fingerprinted, photographed and told to call back in two weeks, they shut up.  One is an ex- state political party chairman and an-ex police commissioner. The other is a very powerful person also.  They were treated like the police department treats everyone else who applies to own a firearm....like criminals.

People in this country aren't happy anymore.  They don't know who the government works for, but it's not the citizenry.  This is the social part of my allegory to a slowing top.  It wiggles, it spins almost normally for a time, but eventually it will fall over without warning.

It's happening.  Watch.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
~Edmund Burke

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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