Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dear President Obama

Let me tell you how you got elected.  The liberal intellectuals got out the vote because they believed you when you said thet you would insidt on transparency in government and stop the excesses of the Bush era; the minorities, who felt comfortable that you would be a fair and impartial leader, and the deep southerners who thought you were going to bring your pickaninnies to Washington to wash windows and didn't grasp that you were running for President.

As you have probably grasped by now, EVERY constituent who voted for you has been disappointed.  Because you kept the Bush team onboard for the most part instead of prosecuting them; because youu have dome more backdoor deals with Big Pharma than a Chicago drug-runner, and because of your complete inability to govern, I have to tell you that the "R" word is being bandied about in every greasy spoon in every town in every city of every state.

Boy, if you let this country tank but singing Kumbayah in congress instead of enacting reform, you are going to destroy the country and set equality back 300 years.  Get off your ass.  We voted for honesty in government.  We voted for change.  Either you provide it or we will take it.  After all, we own the government.  We don't work for you idiots.  You work for us. 

a hui hou
Dr. Tom

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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