Monday, February 1, 2010

Fighting terror

One cannot fight 'terror' any more than darkness.  No matter what you do it is going to get dark somewhere, sometime.  And you cannot fight an enemy you cannot identify.  If everyone in Afghanistan is armed the same way and dressed the same way but some are informal members of a group you consider 'terrorist' and some are not, I think the best way to make EVERYONE an enemy is by shooting missiles at weddings.

No one learned anything from prohibition so we have been fighting a very expensive and completely useless 'war on drugs' for many years.  All that has done if make more criminals rich.  Hemp was originally made illegal because of the cotton lobby.  Hemp fiber is much better than cotton for making clothes and rope and all manner of things we use cotton for now, but hemp is illegal because someone got paid off many years ago.  Commercial hemp doesn't have enough THC to make it worth growing for that purpose yet we have spent untold billions trying to eradicate it.  Senseless.  I'd like to either ban tobacco as a dangerous drug as well, or just do the smart thing and have the government butt out.  I am actually pretty amazed that the hemp farmers haven't managed to make cotton illegal yet.

The FBI can read this and I hope they do.  They can look at what I buy from Amazon and I hope they do.  Last year I began to wonder what, exactly clandestine meth labs were doing, so I bought a meth cookbook from Amazon. Holy shit!  I only read about three pages before I got to a list of potential ingredients and most of them are so toxic that anyone trying to make that crap will eventually kill themselves and anyone using it will almost certainly kill themselves.  Just legalize it.  There will be a glut of dead people for a couple of months, but the burglary rate will drop off about 90%.

If you want to sit under a tree and shoot heroin all day long, you will absolutely not be out committing crimes. You will be nodding off, just as if you were in an opium den.  One day, sooner than later, you will give yourself a hot-shot and, because you did it to yourself, you can pay cash up-front for medical services or not have any. The same with smoking anything.  If you intentionally inhale the products of combustion, you are going to die eventually.  Why should your medical insurance cover you because you chose to smoke for 50 years?

I think everyone ought to have to serve their country consecutively for two years.  For every year you serve, and it doesn't NECESSARILY have to be in the military, but that would make the most sense, you get a free year of college and a free year of medical insurance. So you serve for two years and you get a four year degree and free medical during that time.  I think you ought to be required to qualify with a handgun as well as a rifle, and you ought to be able to keep and bear them permanently if you attend a re-qualification class one day a year.

But everyone ought to be treated equally.  If you meet the physical and mental qualification, you have to serve, no matter how rich your daddy is. If you are not qualified either mentally or physically to join the military, you can still serve your country with pride by donating your organs (joke).

Then every citizen will have had an experience they could never get anywhere else and learn a little about the world.  And every American who made it through two years would be at least of median intelligence, have a sense of pride and self-responsibility and be armed.  The crime rate would rapidly approach zero. So would the need for entitlement programs. Staying home and having babies for money needs to be stopped anyway and this would do it because there would be mandatory birth control until your enlistment is up. FOR BOTH MALES AND FEMALES!

There is no reason at all that gays cannot serve and there is no reason that religion should not be allowed as long it is on your own time and you are served by an interdenominational chaplain. God will allow you a couple of years to serve your country.

Comments are welcome.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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The FBI does, so you are in good company!  

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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