Thursday, February 18, 2010

Jihad Watch Daily Digest for 02/19/2010

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Jihad Watch
Feb 19, 2010 04:03 am | Marisol

"The goggles... they do nothing!" In other words, stop resisting the jihad to destroy you... or we'll destroy you. The sabre-rattling may seem routine, but the mentality and intentions it demonstrates are instructive. And it bears repeating: This guy wants nukes. "Ahmadinejad: Israel terrified of Hizbullah," from Al Bawaba,...

Feb 19, 2010 03:06 am | Marisol

Prior reports have already suggested the same, with one discussing the possible use of female suicide bombers. "Terrorism: Al-Qaeda warns of 'dozens' of in-flight bombs," from AdnKronos International, February 18: Sanaa, 18 Feb. (AKI) - Al-Qaeda has prepared "dozens" more bombs like the one used by the young Nigerian accused...

Feb 18, 2010 10:12 pm | Robert

They were arrested just before Christmas, but we are only learning about it now, almost two months later. Why the long delay? Was this yet another coverup? Who ordered it, and why? "CBN Exclusive: Five Muslim Soldiers Arrested at Fort Jackson in South Carolina," from CBN News, February 18 (thanks...

Feb 18, 2010 07:17 pm | Marisol

This could be the start of a refreshing change at the IAEA, but much remains to be seen. "IAEA Fears Iran Working Now on Nuclear Warhead," by Mark Heinrich for Reuters, February 18: VIENNA (Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog fears Iran may be working now to develop a nuclear-armed...

Feb 18, 2010 07:07 pm | Marisol

This bill appeared to have gone down in defeat earlier, but those who insist upon more and more Sharia can be counted on to keep trying. "Iranians Protest Bill on Rights of Women," by Nazila Fathi for the New York Times, February 17 (thanks to John): In what appeared to...

Feb 18, 2010 03:43 pm | Marisol

You do the crime, you do the time. Ikebal Patel's objection to that simple concept defies logic. Wouldn't law-abiding, moderate Australian Muslims who denounce "terrorism" want to see this sort of thing prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, rather than making excuses for the perpetrators? Of course, the...

Feb 18, 2010 01:01 pm | Robert

But...but...didn't John Brennan, Obama's counterterrorism czar, say that "they are not jihadists, for jihad is a holy struggle"? Mohammed Jibril must be a Misunderstander of Islam. Funny how the only ones who don't know Brennan's lessons on jihad are the jihadists themselves. "'Prince of Jihad' to face bombing trial," by...

Feb 18, 2010 12:39 pm | Robert

Actually, the perpetrators were jihadis. "A Pakistani intelligence official in Peshawar said the militants were using the mosque as their headquarters..." Using a mosque as heir headquarters? Why didn't the Vast Majority of Peaceful Muslims rise up and say, "Not in our name!"? "Bomb at Pakistan Mosque Kills Dozens," by...

Feb 18, 2010 12:08 pm | Robert

At Big Government, Pamela Geller responds to the FoxNews article to which I responded here: At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2010, Robert Spencer and I are launching a new organization, the Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI), by presenting a conference entitled "Jihad: The Political Third Rail -- What They...

Feb 18, 2010 11:35 am | Robert

This is the kind of thing that leads financial institutions to make special accommodations for Sharia finance. "Ottawa Imam issues fatwa against credit cards," by Jennifer Green for Canwest News Service, February 18 (thanks to Twostellas): In an economy awash in easy credit, Ottawa's leading imam is definitely swimming against...

Feb 18, 2010 09:34 am | Robert

In "Pandering To The Islamic Conference" in Forbes, February 18 (thanks to Twostellas), Claudia Rosett identifies more of what's wrong with the Rashad Hussain appointment: Controversy is swirling around President Barack Obama's choice of a young American Muslim lawyer, Rashad Hussain, to serve as his special envoy to the Organisation...

Feb 18, 2010 07:56 am | Marisol

A setback for Frosty the Suicide Bomber. "Canada hands Moroccan life sentence for promoting jihad," from Agence France-Presse, February 18 (thanks to all who sent this in): MONTREAL -- A Moroccan man was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for plotting attacks in Germany and Austria and touting terrorism online...

Feb 18, 2010 06:19 am | Robert

Maybe the students were indeed taunting her by leaving the Bible and the card. Eighth graders can be like that, whatever the religion of the teacher may be. But when the teacher is Muslim, adolescent taunting becomes a "hate crime." "Religious conflict leads to teacher's suspension," by T. Keung Hui...

Feb 18, 2010 05:07 am | Marisol

The intrepid mujahedin, hiding behind women and children in hopes of buying time on the battlefield and scoring propaganda points in the eagerly credulous global press. "Embattled Afghan Taliban rely on human shields," by Alfred de Montesquiou and Rahim Faiez for the Associated Press, February 17: MARJAH, Afghanistan - Taliban...

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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