Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let them eat cake.

After years of pretending that we are allies with Pakistan and letting them emigrate it turs out, not surprisingly, that we habe been fighting in Pakistan all along and 'disappearing' Pakis.

Then I look at the news blogs and see all these politicians sitting in their offices. They are dressed to the nines, nice manicures, and not a piece of paper or a file cabinet or a computer in sight. They aren't working. Instead, they are blaming everyone ELSE for not working.

The President is still walking around trying to get someone to like him. I USED to like him....until he didn't do a damn thing he promised to do. He doesn't seem very upset that nothing is getting better. He keeps promoting the people who caused the crash so they can cause an even bigger crash. At least we know he's not a socialist. A socialist would have had everyone back to work by now and had our troops home. A socialist would have not allowed SOCIAL SECURITY to wither on the vine. I get the serious impression that if his medical plan doesn't pass, and it sucks the way it is, he will just pack up and go back to Chicago.

If you have a job and a few bucks to take the kids to a cage fight, the world is sweet. But if you don't and you start looking closely at these talking heads, and I mean ALL of them, not just every person in government, and you start applying that old test.....would you buy a used car from this suddenly realize you don't want any of these dudes and dudettes running the country or being in charge of banks or reading your mail. And you look at the people who are being elected and they are all 'pod' people. They probably weren't born anywhere. They have waxy skin. They smile but their faces don't smile with them.

And these people have some strange idea that they are going to disarm the nation until everyone is a pod-person.

You think I'm kidding? Look at any politician's desk. There isn't a phone on it. There isn't a reading light. There are no clocks in the room. The desk cost more than my house. So if I'm losing my house, why isn't my senator sitting out in the park doing his work on a folding picnic table?

Half the Toyotas in the country have been 'recalled'.  Mine was recalled.  They sent me a letter telling me to throw the floor mat away. 

They don't make Humvees anymore.  Too easy to blow up. Now they are making 'up-armored' vehicles for use in urban warfare, but if someone detonates a thousand pound bomb under you, you are screwed anyway.  The radios in them cost almost $40,000. JUST the radio. By 2012 or so it will be cheaper to just issue each soldier a tank. Except that if someone detonates a thousand pound bomb under your tank, you are just as screwed.

The US military budget for 2010 is two BILLION dollars a day. The interest payment to China for money we owe them is another Billion dollars a day.  We were run out of Somalia by a bunch of teenagers with Viet-nam era (or before) Russian anti-aircraft guns mounted on the back of 30 year-old trucks.

As of today, we can't even get food to Haiti. We have never repaired New Orleans.  All we can do is call each other names while the country is tanking.  Dumbasses.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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