Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Obama: Can't we all just be friends?

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Jihad Watch
Feb 18, 2010 04:03 am | Marisol

A none-too-surprising update on this story. "Christians outraged in Lahore over release of young domestic worker's murderer," by Fareed Khan for Asia News, February 16: Lahore (AsiaNews) - Pakistani Christians have strongly protested the release on bail of a Muslim lawyer accused of raping, torturing and killing last month Shazia...

Feb 18, 2010 03:08 am | Marisol

"Struggles," indeed -- intended or not, an appropriate choice of word, as it is a common translation of the term jihad. Among the almost innumerable problems with being a dhimmi, or "protected" group, is how quickly and dramatically one can become un-"protected," and instead become pawns in a conflict of...

Feb 18, 2010 01:48 am | Robert

From Umdat al-Salik, Englished as Reliance of the Traveller, which carries the endorsement of Al-Azhar University in Cairo as conforming "to the practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community": Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the...

Feb 17, 2010 05:42 pm | Robert

Yes, but we're just claiming that there is any chill on free speech because of Islamic jihadist intolerance. "Anti-Islam book launch cancelled," from Radio Netherlands, February 16 (thanks to George): A conference centre in The Hague has cancelled the launch of a book criticising Islam. The book launch was scheduled...

Feb 17, 2010 04:09 pm | Robert

And Fox News once again gives the Council on American-Islamic Relations a platform without breathing a hint of the truth about the group. Judson Berger's bias is obvious and heavy-handed, but he is just another mainstream media reporter: the Society of Professional Journalists has done all it can to ensure...

Feb 17, 2010 01:48 pm | Robert

Islamic Supremacist Chutzpah Alert: CAIR, the thuggish enemy of the freedom of speech, claims the freedom of speech as a defense for the Muslim thugs who disrupted a talk at UC-Irvine by Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren. The freedom of speech is the freedom to state one's point of view...

Feb 17, 2010 01:37 pm | Robert

"I hope this will not be misunderstood, so that it defiles the sanctity of Islam." Oh, no worries. Sharia Alert from modern, moderate Malaysia: "Malaysia Court Canes Three Women," by James Hookway in the Wall Street Journal, February 17 (thanks to all who sent this in): Malaysian authorities said Wednesday...

Feb 17, 2010 01:28 pm | Robert

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is right. "Obama names first US ambassador to Syria in five years," by Stephen Collinson for AFP, February 16 (thanks to Chad): WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama nominated career diplomat Robert Ford as the first US ambassador to Syria in five years, seeking to engage a US...

Feb 17, 2010 10:43 am | Robert

In FrontPage this morning is the second of my two articles today about the Rashad Hussain coverup: Someone is covering up for Rashad Hussain. But who? And what did Barack Obama know, and when did he know it? Rashad Hussain is the Obama administration's newly appointed special envoy to the...

Feb 17, 2010 10:24 am | Robert

"We really like Indonesia..." Check out the latest Jihad Watch news from modern, moderate Indonesia here. And why is it incumbent upon the U.S. to help Muslim countries with space technology? Will this end the jihad? Does Obama think it will? Or will it end up giving technological aid to...

Feb 17, 2010 10:05 am | Robert

In Human Events this morning, the first of two articles I have up today on Samigate: "Washington Rashad Hussain Coverup?" Who is covering for Rashad Hussain? Last Saturday, in a video message to the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Qatar, Barack Obama appointed Rashad Hussain to be his administration's special envoy...

Feb 17, 2010 09:08 am | Robert

CAUTION: This video contains an extremely grisly sequence. To see this video fullscreen, go here....

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