Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Right to defense

By definition, 'militia' means an ad-hoc group of civilians who come together in a crisis to meet a challenge.  The civilians who came out at Coffeyville, Kansas to thwart the Daldon gang's raid on their banks is an example of a militia.  The brave persons who, on 9/11 challenged the highjackers and caused an airplane to crash in a field instead of the White house were militia.

Somehow the government got the idea that a 'militia' can only be called out by the Governor.  That idea is a complete fallacy, especially in states like Hawaii where we do not have a state militia.  No, the right of an individual to use whatever force is necessary to repulse a threat to themselves, their family, their home, property, neighbors or community and to obtain assistance from other citizens who are either present or immediately available is not a right which can be delegated or controlled.  It is inalienable.

Under the Constitution, no person can be charged with a crime for self defense.  Further, just as the government has lo legal requirement to respond to a 9-1-1 call, the citizens have no legal requirement to make that call or to depend on a response which may never come.

Police officers carry firearms as a condition of their service..  I carry one because it is a Constitutional right and cannot be abridged.  That was recently upheld by the US Supreme court when it struck the DC gun ban law as unconstitutional.

In 1980 only ten states had specific 'right to carry' laws which permitted their citizens to carry firearms of they chose to do so.  Now FORTY stated  have those laws as well as many countries, including Iraq.  Anyone permitted to carry a concealed firearm in ANY state should be granted that right in ALL states;  But some states are still recalcitrant and the more they legislate against firearms instead of criminals, the higher their crime rate goes.   New York....California...even Hawaii, which arrests and charges every person who defends themself against violent attack.  That policy needs to be addressed by the Attorney General and taken to the Supreme court if necessary.

It is time to take our Constitution and our Rebublic back.  Do not follow unconstitutional laws.

a hui hou

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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