Friday, March 5, 2010

Joining a patriotic group makes you an FBI target.

If you join a patriotic group you are on the FBI shit-list automatically; thus everyone should join one.  Then they would have to find something else to do....solving crimes maybe.

Americans are becoming more and more vocal; not because we advocate an armed or violent overthrow of a legally constituted government; but that we are signaling, and the signal is becoming stronger, that we are beginning to understand again that the government is only legally constituted if they represent We the People and follow their oath to protect and defend the Constitution and only of they understand that the ONLY authority they have is derived from the citizenry.

The government does not tell us what to do. We tell them what we want them to do by virtue of our votes and they do it. If they don't, they aren't representing us and thus they are not our government. At that point they become an entity unto themselves; a collective dictatorship.

That is not acceptable. We do not elect people to make our lives more difficult, to bankrupt the country, and to spy on us. We elect them to make our lives easier, to serve us, and to protect the borders against invasion.

The majority of people in America have now decided that the government is not doing what it is supposed to do and some of us are joining groups like this in an effort to send a signal. LISTEN TO US! WE ARE THE CITIZENS AND WE OWN THE GOVERNMENT! YOU DO NOT OWN US!

History tells us that the government will not only fail to listen, but will attempt draconian measures to bend us to their will. I will not be bent. I will not be controlled by anyone and certainly not by 500 millionaire lawyers in Congress. I am a law-abiding citizen and I will have the rights to which the Constitution and the Bill of Rights guarantee me or die trying.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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