Monday, April 12, 2010

This is the sort of Senator I want...not the weenies we have now.

This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.  Because I occasionally agree with someone or post something by a liberal leaning organization does not mean I embrace their philosophies any more than I embrace radical conservatism.  I read everything I can, from both sides, and I try to find a satisfactory middle ground that isn't too crazy. Lately I observe that the middle ground is becoming ground-zero for crazy. 

I voted for Obama for a lot of reasons but the primary one still exists. Once a person sits in a wooden cage for years as a prisoner of war, they can never escape it.  In their subconscious mind they will always be a prisoner first and something else next, just as Obama will always be black first and something else next.  When you look at the #2 slot and are asked choose between Biden and Wasilla Sal, you gotta choose Howdy-Dooty; neither of the others belong in the job.

I want to be able to vote FOR someone again, not continue to be required to vote for the candidate I like least. If the bottom of the barrel is all the current political parties can dredge up we need a Constitutional Party not a Goddamn Tea Party which is run by people who can say what they mean and keep their word, not wild-eyed radical nutters.

Between the irrational actions of the Demoncrats and Repugnicans in Washington today, supposedly running the country but actually screwing the pooch and all the senate pages they can catch with our tax dollars, I have to wonder each and every day whether I have finally fallen through the looking glass.  These are the people who are supposed to keep the President in check.  The Supreme court is supposed to keep both of other branches in check.  And the President is supposed to be the voice of reason for Congress.  What happened to all that?

another opinion of the state of government....

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- President Thomas Jefferson

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