Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Bizarro world.

Solutions?  You want solutions?  OK.

1. Declare a national disaster
2. Commandeer some supertankers and order them to the Gulf. 
3. Bring in resources from other oil companies to suck up the oil and put it in tankers.
4. Bring in all of the cadets from all of the service academies and put them to work cleaning beaches and setting booms. 
5. Activate the La., Mississippi, Georgia and Florida National Guard and put them to work. 

That should have begun the first day. The Saudis had a huge spill and did almost that very thing. And no one seems to grasp that there ARE other oil companies and a LOT of other submersible equipment which can work at that depth.

Some of it was sent but BP won't allow them to be used. BP WON'T ALLOW THEM. BP commands the US Coast Guard and owns the local authorities who threaten reporters and citizens with arrest for trying to get to public places and document the damage.

The same Wall Street which had to be bailed out is having another record year of profits. They cleared their debt by having the taxpayers cover it. The taxpayers are going to pay for this spill, too. The Upper Branch Mine is still getting safety citations and is still ignoring them.

But if you or I don't pay a traffic ticket on time, we are in a world of hurt. We HAVE to wear seat belts, but deepwater oil rigs are allowed to literally write their own rules and then ignore them. Coal mines kill people all day long and no one can do anything. If I am ONE DAY late on a credit card payment, my rate jumps from 10% to 29% but Big Banks get BILLIONS in ZERO-INTEREST loans from the fed which they can pay back or not.  They are too big to fail but 300 million Americans aren't.  We are being raped and we are being divided against ourselves.  The Conservatives are POSITIVE that this is all a liberal plot and the liberals are all POSITIVE that this whole mess is a Conservative plot.  TO WHAT PURPOSE?  National suicide?  "A house divided against itself cannot stand".  Abe Lincoln said that but it's in the Bible as well as in Sun-Tzu's 'The art of war' although it is paraphrased.  

My point is that dividing a population is THE way of destroying it and has been since history began.  But we are still falling for it.  Congress is supposed to SOLVE problems, not create sedition.  Whether they can't or simply won't doesn't matter much to me.  The fact is that they AREN'T.  

This will be continued. 

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"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
- President Thomas Jefferson

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." - Cicero - 55 BC

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