Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The mad science of destroying a nation.

(1) The Jones act is awful and the US DID and continues to refuse offers of assistance from companies that could have prevented the oil disaster; or at least mitigated the magnitude of it.  Refusing that assistance and continuing to refuse it is criminal in my opinion.  WTF is WRONG with those people in Washington? 

(2) Health care reform started as a good idea but turned sour while rolling through the halls of congress.  Now it is probably worse than the problem it tried to solve and it turned lot of friends to enemies.

(3) Whether or not we agree about an Anthropogenic cause or whether there IS too much CO2 doesn't concern me.  If the problem is man made the solution would have had to begin thirty years ago on a worldwide basis. Whatever happens now is going to happen regardless.

Regardless, cap-and-trade won't work and the EPA probably shouldn't even exist. Homeland Security/TSA shouldn't exist.  The 'Patriot Act'  shouldn't exist.  The policy of paying our enemies to be our friends is a dead-end. And the culture of criminals in congress is a dead end.

Can anyone explain to me why Carly Fiona would spend 84 MILLION dollars to get a Senate seat that pays about 150k a year?  There is something just plain wrong with that.

I went in with a friend and we are going to start reloading cartridges and making new ones to spec.  The first ones will be .45 auto and .357.  We have the best manually-powered equipment made on order and can run about 300 rounds an hour.  I am tired of not being able to afford ammunition and so is everyone else I a niche market exists no matter what the economy does.

Suppose all the Demoncrats and Repugnicans stopped calling each other names for a few minutes and tried to do something for We the People.  Solutions to problems could be found if people reasoned together; but not otherwise.  Here is an's just my opinion, but I like it.

Regardless of WHY we have all this CO2, we DO have it.  At the same time we (et alii) are losing ~10 million acres of arable land a year to erosion and desertification. We can tweak artificial photosynthesis a bit so that the products are ethanol and O2 instead of sugar and O2.  At a 30% efficiency, which has been demonstrated by Helios (a joint venture of UC/Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley labs), sufficient, pure fuel could be photosynthesized using ONE percent of the available agricultural land instead of the ~25-30% we are using now to grow corn which still needs to be processed and isn't even close to being the panacea it was supposed to be. In fact, the concept is a disaster.
In one fell swoop we could recycle CO2, provide more land for food crops, supply ethanol which doesn't need to be processed and could be used directly in vehicles and in power generation facilities.  Sure, burning the ethanol will produce even more CO2 but it's obvious that we aren't going to stop producing it, so let's use it productively. I don't see more downside than we already have.

We could send a mission to Mars, collect rock samples and return them to earth for what we are spending every week killing people in their own lands. The Taliban just refused to enter into peace negotiations.  Why?  Because they believe they are winning - and they are right. The ONLY positive result after 8+ YEARS there is that we have killed the Taliban's #3 guy sixteen times.  We kill that dude about twice a year and it only costs us a billion dollars a day.  Oh, wait.  We have accomplished something else.  We have armed and trained the armies of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan so they can fight  but we have also trained and armed Iran and every other potential enemy we have ever had. "Live and don't learn" ought to be the national motto.

All the Taliban has to do to win is NOTHING. They know we can't stay there forever.  We can stay until we can no longer afford to toss a BILLION dollars a day into some corrupt politician's pocket and another BILLION dollars a day into interest-only payments to China while the nation goes bankrupt and pulls the rest of the world down with it. We are there.  Thirty states are going bankrupt and the federal government can't save them. The federal government is bankrupt too.  Printing more money won't work. Austerity programs don't create jobs.

ONE thing and ONLY one thing might save us from the Second Great Depression.  STOP spending a billion dollars a day shooting missiles at weddings. Just walk away and let whatever happens in the middle east happen. Then start hanging crooked bankers and politicians. But we won't. We could fix the economy.  We could being America back from the precipice.  But we won't. 

"What makes us omniscient? Have we a record of omniscience? We are the strongest nation in the world today. I do not believe that we should ever apply that economic, political, and military power unilaterally. If we had followed that rule in Vietnam, we wouldn't have been there. None of our allies supported us. Not Japan, not Germany, not Britain or France. If we can't persuade nations with comparable values of the merit of our cause, we'd better reexamine our reasoning."
-Robert McNamara, 1995

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"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
- President Thomas Jefferson

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." - Cicero - 55 BC

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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