Tuesday, July 20, 2010

No global warming?

The global warming deniers and big oil have now fvcked off long enough to destroy mankind.  This one graph won't convince anyone that the change is anthropogenic and it really doesn't matter whether the change is man-made or natural.  It is here. Now. Today.  Not in a hundred years. No amount of charts or graphs or data will ever convince anyone who doesn't want to be convinced.

The earth is going to continue warming at a pace which only a few people ever believed possible and most people still don't. But it is and you can see it.  The weather you see today, which is slamming past the stops, is going to become more and more radical. Too wet or too dry; too hot or too cold...but wait!  How can global WARMING make it too COLD?

Because weather is dynamic. The earth was at equilibrium in 1800. It will try to maintain that equilibrium.  Too hot in one place means too cold in another...but that's simply the imbalance showing.  Eventually, and I mean within twenty years, it will be too hot everywhere.  It will be too hot for humans to live and we will run out of water. And food. And oxygen. And humans.

I cannot believe my immense good fortune at having lived in the golden age of humanity. I missed polio, smallpox, malaria, tuberculosis and many other diseases which wee rampant only a few years before my time...and I will miss the horror of the end.  Watching it approach at what is an instant in geologic time is both exciting and horrible.  In as few as three more years there will be no more paleoanthropology being done in the places in Africa where our earliest history is being discovered.  It will be too hot for humans to work and the remainder of our historical record will be blown away in the dust.

In only a few more years the entire earth will face a shortage of fresh water.  Millions....BILLIONS of people will begin to die. Not in a thousand years.  In five to ten years.  I'm happy though, not horrified.  It has been coming all along but no one would look.  They kicked the can down the road.  Now we are at the end of the road and we are going too fast to stop.  We cannot stop using fossil fuel because the big oil companies own the world.  We cannot stop the train wreck because even if we stopped emitting ALL carbon tomorrow, it's still too late.  And we cannot re-evolve because the sun and earth are over halfway through their life-cycles.  The earth will turn into Venus eventually and the sun will wink out. I will live to a ripe old age because I am already there.  Children born today are dead. They can't get an education, they can't get a job and they can't survive.

And then the run of an obscure life-form on a tiny world in a small solar system in an unknown arm of a tiny galaxy will be crushed by Andromeda...which is approaching at a million miles an hour will be gone without a trace.  It's fitting.

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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