Friday, July 9, 2010

The Obama Presidency: FAIL

"Oh, wait!  But he accomplished all these things: (followed by a list)."

So?  He did not accomplish ANY of the things he promised during the campaign, WHICH IS THE REASON HE WAS ELECTED!  I don't give a damn if he accomplishes thousands of little honey-dos.  That's not why I voted for him.  He was going to close Gitmo on the first day.  A Presidental order created it and a Presidential order can close it.  He kicked that can down the road.  OUT of Afghanistan...kicked down the road; probably won't happen until we are run out.  DADT:  kicked down the road.  TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT!  IT HAS GOTTEN WORSE!  Every bad policy Bush started has been perpetuated at minimum and made worse in most cases.

The TBTF BAILOUT!  The only thing in America that is TBTF are the citizens. The banks aren't.  Wall street isn't the federal, state and local governments aren't. We pay their salaries and all they do is fuck us in the ass.  My ass is getting sore.  46 states are insolvent.  The federal government is insolvent.  We need 22 MILLION jobs TODAY to just break even, but they are gone forever.

The Gulf of Mexico is a shit-hole and will soon be a dead zone.  The solution?  Give the Coast Guard to BP to run. Blackout news.  Revoke the First Amendment. Shuck and jive about peace in the middle east.  There hasn't been peace in the middle east since before Egypt existed. Does anyone REALLY believe the middle east isn't going to blow up this year or next?  It sure the hell is!

Global warming doesn't exist?  Hide and watch.

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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