Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today's ode to stupid.

The BP disaster is on the back burner.  More oil than ever is gushing, the disaster will be global, but our attention span has been exceeded.

The Russian 'spies'.  They aren't spies. someone needed some credibility ten years ago so he turned a phony 'network of deep-cover spies' who fiddled around and did stuff like sending secret messages BY WI-FI  FROM STARBUCKS AND BORDERS  and dug up bags of money in the park and attended Columbia University and partied down and made videos and generally didn't do anything except be in the country under false identities ....sort of like a couple million other illegal immigrants.  They practiced obsolete tradecraft and their entire mission was simply to act like spies without actually spying.  Again, because someone ten years ago needed to prove him....or herself....and they were the real spy.  I would have been taken in by that for maybe a week.  The FBI pursued it for ten years. But then, I am smarter than the FBI.

The "A Whale" oil skimmer is sitting in the gulf.  The "Coast Guard" (which is being run by BP) won't let it work until potential 'safety and environmental issues' are identified. 4 million gallons of oil and enough methane to turn the planet into Venus are gushing every day and the REAL reason is that BP won't pay for the ship.  In fact, BP is spinning off all it's money into subsidiaries as we speak and the BP brand will be bankrupt in days or weeks...but the company will simply continue under another name and not pay for shit.  The show must go on.

All California State employees are set to have their salaries reduced to minimum wage. That will be interesting because many state employees are paid to risk their lives on a daily basis and their lives are worth more than minimum wage.  Illinois is next.  The rest of the states will fall like dominoes and the federal government is bankrupt, so the Depression is upon us.  If you didn't get out of the stock market when I sent my final warning, you are screwed and you deserve it.  I don't send dire warnings to hear myself talk and I have never been wrong with one.  I will be eventually, but not this time.

If a Mimosa pudica (Sensitive Plant) is within an inch (or possibly there is a contact requirement) of a pumpkin plant, the pumpkin flowering causes the Sensitive Plant to flower concurrently.  I have now demonstrated that experimentally and repeatably.

Pumpkin plants grow toward each other, even when separated by many feet and regardless of their relationship to the sun.  That surprised me but I have now experimented past the stage at which it could have been coincidence. I was so thrilled with my pumpkins that I almost didn't realize they were crowding out the rest of my garden....So I am pulling up mature pumpkin plants and throwing them on the mulch pile.  It breaks my heart.

People are still arguing about whether or not the biosphere is warming.  That is the epitome of stupid, as is arguing that Obama caused the economic crisis. He isn't fixing it but he didn't cause it.  The best example yet of that sort of thinking was demonstrated by the Chairman or the Republican Party, Michael Steele, when he said Obama chose to start war in Afghanistan and that it was not winnable.  One for two, Michael.

Linda Lingle is being pushed pretty hard by her party and by psychotic religious fanatics to veto HR-444.  I wish she would neither sign nor veto it, let it become law by default and end the drama. The legislature passed it. Let it be.  The same people who call Obama a Nazi don't believe women own their own reproductive systems, or that the earth is warming or that humans, because of some genetic issue we don't understand are sub-human, or at least not equal to the people with genetic issues we do understand.

"When in danger, or in doubt - run in circles; scream and shout."

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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