Friday, July 9, 2010

Why we crave sweets.

If you are a scientist don't read this. Really. It's for a different target group.

Plants evolved to attract pollinators, usually by nice-smelling, colorful flowers with a bit of nectar. They get pollinated, the flower falls off and a fruit or veggie grows in it's place. It grows and matures, but is still the same color as the plant. It's not ready; it stays hidden. When it matures, it has a completely different taste... See More and turns to a bright color...but this time it's trolling for animals and birds to eat it. Most omnivores notice movement and bright colors. When they see it they come by, smell it, eat it, leave, and deposit seeds elsewhere in places they won't have to compete with the original one for nutrients and pollinators.

A couple hundred years after the K/T extinction and Saurians were kerfluft, little mammalian omnivores came out of their hiding places and became diurnal. They weren't picky eaters. If you have been eating earthworms and grubs for millions of years, you ain't a picky eater.

Anyway, they would come across this fruit on (or under) the ground and take a nibble. The things which weren't ripe or were rotten had less nutritional value so the animals which had better sweet/bitter sensors got the best fruit and the best girls. Not surprisingly, the brightest colors USUALLY belong to the fruit or veggie with the highest sugar concentration. Pineapples are an exception.

So things which have larger or more brightly colored fruit which smells and tastes sweet is an evolutionary imperative for plants. A desire to consume it at it's nutritional peak is an evolutionary imperative for mammals. I can prove it.

That's where the evolutionary pressure came from; not from the supermarket.

Everything in a supermarket is crap with the possible exception of beer, which is a valuable adjunct to water, but mainly exists so ugly girls can have sex too.

Mega-corporations have over-fertilized and drained the soil of nutrients, so even food you expect to be healthy isn't. Every additive, package, color, texture and taste of packaged products are there to fool your body into thinking it's getting something it's people stay hungry and eat at McDonald's.

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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