I doubt these are available to reference. Some are logical constructs based upon what is available to the public and industry insiders. Don't bother arguing your opinion to me. If you disagree, wait and see.
Chapter one beginsCHINA
As of 2010 the US is not the only superpower. China now outclasses us in fighter aircraft and equals us as a nuclear power. They have weapons operational can which defeat our super-carriers before those carriers can become effective by closing to within the operating range, even with two air-refuelings, of a land target. So far these weapons are non-nuclear and have not been exported from China. Russia has almost the equivalent missile. We are trying to make one, but neither China nor Russia have carriers.
As an aside, EVERY bit of American technology, no matter how classified, and every bit of Russian technology has been obtained by China and is being used as a basis for next-fen weapons systems, whereas in the US it IS the nex-gen weapons systems. That is to say that China is, and shall continue to be at least one generation of tactical and strategic weapons ahead of us going forward.
The Chinese now have the most powerful supercomputer in the world online, the most efficient, safe and advanced nuclear generation facilities, and is building fast attack submarines and boomers. In 2007, a Chinese Song Class Diesel-electric submarine popped up next to the US carrier Kitty Hawk during exercises in the Pacific. The Chinese submarine got by ELEVEN screening vessels undetected and caused the navy to shit a brick. I do not have any current information on the capabilities of the new Chinese nuclear attack boats but my understanding is that they exceed the capabilities of the Russian Akula II and US Los Angeles class boats. The Chinese, being pragmatic, are likely concentrating on completely silent diesel-electric boats which can be built by the dozen for the cost of a nuclear powered boat. D/E boats don't have the range of nukes, but they command the same attack capabilities.
The US is down the path of huge, nuclear-powered carriers and submarines. Having a few super-ships is a fine plan if you are invulnerable to attack. But if someone can put twenty or thirty completely silent attack subs in the water, any of which can take out another sub or a carrier, you have lost the game simply through attrition.
I have a study of Chinese capabilities in the works but it is being outdated faster than I can keep up. The bottom line:
The US can never face China in a war because they own us. The simple reality is that China ALLOWS the United States to continue as a nation by loaning us a billion dollars a day just to keep our economy afloat. They (and Japan) own most of our debt. They can bankrupt the country in an hour. They know it and we know it. So when they decide to take back Taiwan, we will let them. When they decide to squish the Philippines, we will let them. And when they decide to exercise their power, all our base are belong to them.
(1) The US cannot guarantee or even expect to command air superiority against China or Chinese aircraft.
(a) Current Chinese fighter aircraft are at least one generation ahead of current US aircraft and continue to move out in front.
(2) The US cannot rely on US carrier air power in areas contested by the Chinese.
(a) The Chinese DF 21-series mach 10 anti-ship missile is not defeatable by the US.
(3) The US cannot retaliate against China with nuclear weapons.
(a) China will not use nuclear weapons first; their strategic policy doesn't require it.
(b) China DOES have a full retaliatory capability if the US used a nuclear weapon.
(c) The age of huge strategic nuclear weapons is about over. China doesn't need to use them. They can simply pick off out ships using conventional and, if necessary, disposable hardware and we can no longer project power.
I really believed that Barack Obama was going to turn the country around. It was time for a leader, it was time for a change, and it was time to turn us back to pre-crazy policies. He is not the person for the job. He broke EVERY one of his campaign promises, kept most of the criminals from the Bush administration in his administration, and gave the job of repairing the economy to two of the bastards who ruined it in the first place. Geithner and Summers are Clinton AND Bush retreads and they can't fix it. Unfortunately, no one can. Now we see that unemployment is going to continue to rise; that housing is going to keep tanking for years to come, and that the dreaded 'double dip' recession is merely the beginning of the Depression. Everyone know it's happening, so everyone (big business, the richest 1%, elected leaders) are stealing all the money they can before it happens and jockeying for political power so they will be immune to the draconial laws they will pass to keep the tax slaves under control when the food riots break out.
So the White House is run by fear and polls and is completely ineffective. The many wonderful new things Obama has delivered are meaningless. One cannot force people to but mandatory health insurance when over 10% (and I am guessing closer to 20%) of the population is unemployed...and 46 states are bankrupt and slashing public services... and the federal government survives only by borrowing a billion dollars a day from China.
The problem is that the previous administrations, going back to Nixon, screwed the country up so badly it cannot be fixed. That's all there is to it. We are riding the coattails of prosperity down and there is no bottom. And no safety net.
The End of The Constitution
The End of The Constitution
The government is dysfunctional. All three branches; and they are all immune from prosecution. The Supremes now say that corporations may donate as much 'quiet' money as they like to get their pawns elected and a seat in congress is going for about $100 million. Congress cannot pass ANY reasonable legislation, and no one seems to have the power to stop the wars in Afghanistan and the failed war on drugs, or close Gitmo, or give all Americans equal rights, or tone down the intelligence community's internal spying. We spy on Americans more than we spy on the rest of the world.
In fact, it is now illegal to videotape police officers doing illegal things OR AT ALL, or to whistle-blow about criminal activities or military corruption or war crimes....but police have video cameras in their cars and, now, on their person. Why are civilians committing a crime by videotaping the same thing the police are?
We are committing war crimes which are much worse than Saddam ever committed. What's up that the US Coast Guard threatens reporters with arrest for being in a public place on US soil? That happened because BP owns the Coast Guard and, apparently, the White House...because Obama was tepid at best during the BP disaster and is now trying to pretend it didn't happen. We are fast-forwarding to another civil war. Half the population is preparing for it. The other half don't believe it's possible...like they don't believe global warming is actually happening. Like they don't believe we can overpopulate the earth. Like they don't believe we can really kill all the fish in the seas. Wrong. All of that is happening and we can't stop it.
Chapter one ends.
Chapter one ends.
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