Sunday, August 8, 2010

Eight years of a Republican Governor in Hawaii.

Watch how quickly we grab the #1 spot of Duke Aiona or Mufi Hanneman gets elected.  Or that other weasel...Neil Abercrombie.

Here are the choices:  None worth a shit.

Duke Aiona (R) - Lt. Governor, Ex-Circuit Court Judge & Attorney
John Carroll (R) - Ex-State Sen., Ex-State GOP Chair, Attorney, '02 Candidate & '00 US Senate Nominee 
Neil Abercrombie (D) - Ex-Congressman, Ex-State Sen., Ex-State Rep., Ex-Honolulu City Councilman & Ex-College Professor
Mufi Hannemann (D) - Ex-Honolulu Mayor, Ex-State Economic Development Director & '86/'90 Congressional Candidate
Art Reyes (D) - Physician, Navy Veteran, '02 Candidate & '00 US Senate Candidate
Miles Shiratori (D) - Lifeguard Instructor & Frequent Candidate
Van Tanabe (D) - '02/'06 Candidate
Daniel Cunningham (Free Energy) - Ex-Chiropractor, "Free Electricity" Advocate & '02/'06 Candidate
Tony Clapes (Independent) - Attorney & Aeronautical Engineer
Paul Manner (Independent) - Frequent Candidate
Tom Pollard (Independent) - Physician & USAF Reserve Officer

Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Hawaii 3rd most indebted state
By Selected News Articles :: 148 Views :: Hawaii State NewsHawaii State PoliticsNational NewsNational Politics


NEW YORK ( -- The states are broke, and like many consumers, they're borrowing big time to get out of their fiscal binds.

The amount of debt that states are carrying spiked 10.3% last year to $460 billion, according to Moody's Investors Service. The debt is paid for through taxes and fees, making residents ultimately responsible.

The median personal share of this burden jumped to $936, from $865 in 2008. (To see how much the tab is in your state, click here.)

And it's likely that states will turn to the bond markets even more this year as federal stimulus money dwindles, experts said. After all, officials face an additional $12 billion shortfall for the current fiscal year and a $72 billion gap for fiscal 2012, which starts next July 1.

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RELATED: Honolulu 5th most indebted US city

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