Monday, August 16, 2010

Here goes another $619 million dollars - right down the shitter.

Americans are losing their homes and jobs so we can send up-armored Humvees to the Afghan police...who will not maintain them and will leave these very high-maintenance vehicles on the side of the road and go back to Toyota pickups before all of these are delivered. How stupid!  Driving a Humvee in Afghanistan is an open invitation for an attack.

"Aug 13/10: The Pentagon announced a firm-fixed-price contract for 2,526 M1152A1 HMMWVs with area troop enclosures and the B2 up-armoring kit [PDF], on behalf of the Afghan police force and Afghan National Guard. The estimated face value is $619 million, the current equivalent of AFA 28.3 billion. Work is to be performed in South Bend, IN with an estimated completion date of Dec 31/13. One bid was solicited with one bid received by the US Army TACOM in Warren, MI (W56HZV-10-C-0405).

 US military orders in 2009-2010.

If financed by the Afghan government, this order would represent about 85% of Afghanistan’s 2009/10 security budget all by itself, and about 41% of all domestic revenue, per the Ministry of Finance’s 2008-13 strategic plan [PDF]."

Obviously we are footing the bill.

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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