Sunday, August 8, 2010

It is time to get out of Afghanistan and stop the Wars.

War on terror....and we are the terrorists.

War on drugs...which has merely resulted in the loss of our southern border and more Americans in prison, per capita, than any other country. Prison had become an industry but, since it operates on tax dollars, it is inefficient and unsafe at best.  The DEA is still raiding and putting Americans in jail fwo are in full compliance with their state and local laws. If California tries to pull itself out of debt by licensing and taxing marijuana, the DEA, which has become an entity unto itself, destroys the attempt.

I am not going to post links.  There are hundreds of them.

The government has failed. All three branches.

The Executive:  Not because of Obama, but he hasn't changed anything.  There is plenty of blame to go around.  It started with Nixon. Ford managed to hold it together by not doing anything, Carter managed to make a fool of himself...and the country...and got Iran buzzed up and gave Panama away and was basically a shithead.  Reganomics made it worse with Iran-contra.  We meddled in more places we shouldn't have been.  Then GHW Bush who insisted on keeping that idiot Dan Qwayle as vice-president.  That lost his re-election.  Oh, and he lowered taxes on the rich, because he IS rich, and perpetuated our descent into economic hell.  Clinton wasn't that bad - - he was just not very good. He made it the official American policy that everything has a price.  You pay it, you get what you want.  Then Dubya.  The most fvcking unmitigated disaster since Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan.  I'll bet no one has ever HEARD of Franklin Pierce.  Oh...and Warren G. Harding.  The Bush legacy is the end of Liberty and the end of America as a superpower.  Obama promised large and delivered small and the country is racing headlong to the train wreck. 

The Legislative:  Congress has become a war-torn group of people whose votes have been purchased by Big...Business, Oil, Banks, Individuals.  They are whores, not representatives of We the People, and they need to be hung from lampposts along with their sponsors.  THIS time when the economy fails, there will have been so much derision, hatred and race-baiting, that we will have another civil war.  But we had better hurry.  We are entering a rapid-onset warming/extinction event.

The Judicial:  Blowin' in the wind.  I will tell you what they are going to do.
(1) legalize marijuana.
(2) legalize same-sex unions.

What OUGHT they do instead of having to mess with non-constitutional issues like the above?  What they swore to do. Uphold and defend the Constitution.

(3) require that EVERYONE is equal under the law.  Rich or elected doesn't mean 'exempt'.
(4) Re-instate some of the states' sovereign rights.
(5) Declare that undeclared 'wars' are not wars.
(6) Require that religion be a private concern, not public and not political.  Tax churches like any other business.  They make political contributions, they support or rail against candidates and public policy, they express views publicly and loudly.  That's not church.  That is Big Business.           
(7) Affirm, in the strongest possible terms, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.  They are NOT, as Dubya famously said, "Just a fvcking piece of paper".
(9) (3) Vote 5-4 FOR all Second Amendment issues while ignoring the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

We are screwed as a Democratic Republic because the public cannot think for itself.  No child left behind and other far-left liberal ideas did that.  Running the other way to embrace far right radicals is not an answer.  The middle ground is the answer...but it has been abandoned.

An example:  The proposed mosque in New York.

The two opinions:
(1) This is America and everyone has the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and their own religion.
(2) The mosque is an intentional slap in the face to America and a signal to the Muslim world that the terrorists won and Islam is coming.

The facts:  Both are true.  The amount of money required to build a huge mosque in the middle of Manhattan is staggering.  Only a nation-state can afford it and I suspect that behind all of the fronts, Saudi Arabia is that nation-state.  I have watched Muslims do their daily five-times-a-day prayers.  They don't go to a mosque.  They stop wherever they are and roll out their prayer mat.  My opinion is that public demonstrations of religious activities OF ANY SORT are not appropriate in America.  I ought to be as free NOT to be exposed to a religion as people who want religion are free not to be accosted by me.  That's freedom.

A mosque in New York is merely going to attract potential jihadists and convert them to real jihadists and export them all over the country. New York will suffer.


"Only when the last tree has withered, the last fish has been caught, and the last river has been poisoned, will you realize you cannot eat money." — Cree Proverb

"The Roman Republic fell, not because of the ambition of Caesar, but because it had already long ceased to be a republic at all. When the sturdy Roman plebeian, who lived by his own labor, who voted without reward according to his own convictions, and who formed in war the terrible Roman Legion, had been changed into an idle creature who craved nothing in life save the gratification of a thirst for vapid excitement, who was fed by the state, and who SOLD HIS VOTE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, then the end of the republic was at hand, and nothing could save it."

-Teddy Roosevelt

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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