In what I expect will be the most destructive political move in the last five years, President Obama sat on the beach in Martha's Vineyard while Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin stole the news cycle, the attention of the nation, the civil rights movement, and the entire Christian Conservative Right.
I knew the political knowledge of the Democratic party was almost non-existent, but this takes the cake...and, probably, the 2012 election. This is precisely what I would have done if I were Karl Rove and I wanted to destroy the Obama Presidency. Beck denied that he purposely picked the time and place of the rally, but that's not possible. It did, however, allow him to 'decide', on reflection, that it was a matter of Divine Intervention.
Half the idiots at the rally, and there were as many as Obama got at his big rally...will actually believe that God picked the day for Glenn Beck who then...coincidentally...revamped his entire message around Martin Luther King and...God. Beck just put himself up as a Messianic Messenger. He can now quite easily parlay that idiom into a Presidential run. If he does, and I can hear the whispers in his ears as I write this, the Obama Presidency is over after less than two years. Obama can be villianized as a Socialist, a pawn, a Muslim...anything. And he has done absolutely nothing to refute any of those claims in a meaningful way except through denial. And lying about the state of the economy, the oil spill, the war, transparency in government, closing Gitmo and the list goes on.
Why is this step backward possible and even probable? Because we voted for change and we didn't get change. The war is still on and the economy is going into a depression which will last for a generation. The President cannot stave it off anyway, but the Republicans are willing to let the country suffer until 2012 to win back their power and from all indications, that is exactly their plan. The President can't do anything at all if half the Congress won't let him. He threw away a numerical advantage trying to build bipartisanship and never learned that it was not his to build.
So he lost the congress and he lost the country and he has lost any chance of being relevant unless he explodes out of the starting gate next week. And he probably knows it.
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