Monday, September 6, 2010

The failed Kingdom of Hawaii.

I decided that, in conjunction with my idea of convincing everyone to register as an Independent, I could enlist the Hawaii Sovereignty movement.  I sent a detailed and workable plan to allow the movement to actually become effective in the communities of Hawaii in a real and useful manner.  Then I sent it to the only contact point they have. 

Dr. David Keanu Sai
Chairman of the Council of Regency
Acting Minister of the Interior

Acting Council of Regency
P.O. Box 2194
Honolulu, H.I. 96805-2194

Which redirects to  It SHOULD redirect to but it doesn't.

In any case, the mailbox is over quota which wouldn't happen if they just used Gmail or Yahoo or Hotmail or... checked their inbox once a year.  Apparently no one is doing that - and even more apparently, the Kingdom movement cannot be taken seriously - at least not this one since Sai became a convicted felon.

If you want to see how ridiculous this has become, go to and click on US Federal Court Proceedings.

So...I have done a Karl Rove and potentially constructed a method by which some of this Sovereignty might actually be possible...and the only point of contact is suing the US government for convicting him in federal court because he insists that because the US annexed Hawaii illegally, which is true enough, the 1959 vote to become a state doesn't count (which isn't true) and that he is not bound by US and current Hawaii state law...which constitutes a serious lapse of reality.  In fact, the US didn't legally obtain MOST of it's land.  And your point, Kenau?  I mean other than making the movement look like a bunch of morons?


Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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