Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wait a damn minute!

Huffington Post has turned into another Lamestream media outlet - not simply because they won't take my submissions anymore - but because they seem to have forgotten that the US is bailing out the Afghan national bank but, magically, without using any US taxpayer money.  This was front-page news yesterday.  Today it's gone.

The other stories that seem to have vanished are the ones about the US 'overlooking' corruption in Afghanistan while still pouring suitcases full of money into it everyday to support Karzai and the one about Karzai making nice with the Taliban.

The only thing we are doing in Afghanistan, and everyone in the entire world knows it, is trying to bribe the leaders into keeping a lid on so we aren't attacked again while our defense contractors get rich.  The US is buying more than 2,000 Humvees for the Afghan police who will promptly sell them to the Taliban - Drones won't shoot at Humvees.  (Who could have seen THAT coming?)

It's a game.  We pay but we can't play.  And it isn't stopping.  Karzai is the richest person in the country.  His brother livesin a 5.5 million dollar home in Dubai that YOU AND I PAID FOR. 

Mr. Obama may not understand why he is going out on his ear in 2012.  He may never know.  His advisors don't tell him and apparently he is insulated from reality there in the new 'taupe room'.  With quotations from famous US Presidents woven into the carpet.  How Goddamn tacky is that? 

Dear Mr. President:  You have broken every campaign promise you made to get you elected.  You are a liar and a scoundrel and you have set racial relations back sixty years.  Your ass is out.  If we have to elect Republican maniacs who will finish raping the country in a week, so be it.  We can get on with the civil war and be done with it.

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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