The Big Island of Hawaii could supply the entire state with clean energy. Iceland's entire economy collapsed in 2008, yet they have beautiful, new power generation plants like this one. We can't even keep feral pigs out of our gardens. Most of them are 'trap smart' and forage around the traps but don't go into them - people have to hunt them with dogs and snares with limited success - shooting pigs on your own property at night is illegal. After all, feral pigs and Coquis have legal rights, but you don't. We may thank our lawmakers at the local, state and federal levels who are so greedy for power and control of our lives that they have abrogated our ability to actually accomplish anything. If you want to start a community farm or, really, any enterprise at all, for profit or not, the only thing you are told is why it's illegal or why you can't do it. The government exists to enable us - not enslave us. Why do we allow this to continue? Why can't we have a railroad around the Big Island? We have a constructed right-of-way. It exists. But we sold the rails to Japan. Why don't we have an Inter-island ferry? We had one and it was a commercial success. But no. It might scare a whale. That's well and good - but airplanes are falling out of the sky because they can't be maintained. In a couple of months, when the gas prices skyrocket, so will air fares and shipping costs. I have some news that no one wants to hear, but is going to happen: The Japanese tourist trade in Hawaii is about to disappear. The Pacific plate is still loading up east of Honshu - straight down a line between longitudes 140-144. They have had one MAG 6.x EQ today and two yesterday. They are going to get slammed again. ALL of the nuclear reactors along that coast are immediately vulnerable. No reactor or building in the world is designed to survive a magnitude 7 earthquake. "Earthquake-proof" buildings are "earthquake proof" up to magnitude 6.9 - if everything goes right. Even if they turned the power off in Japan and started the final shut-down sequence for ALL of their reactors, it would take decades to accomplish and even then there is no place for the fuel rods to go for safe storage - but that's not their plan. In fact, there is a serious plan afloat to restart F-D-I reactors 5 and 6. For some reason the fact that Japan is now referring to the F-D-I incident as 'over' when it hasn't really started yet.. and referring to the ongoing work as 'cleanup', and the hugely radioactive water they are pumping into the ocean at a minimum rate of ~21 cubic meters an hour as 'stagnant water' set me off on conspiracies and cover ups. In the late fifties, the conspiracies all centered around Area 51 and Roswell, New Mexico. Flying saucers and captured aliens. That turned out to be true. Kentucky Fried Chicken had to change it's name to KFC when it stopped selling chicken and started serving fried alien bits from free-range aliens. Then came Viet-Nam and America embraced war as a growth industry. That turned out to be true as well - for China - which now owns us. Even that pile of monkey nuts Tim Geithner admits it.Back to the future: 9/11 - 9/12 WTC 7 was not hit by an airplane but was severely damaged by falling debris. I doubt that anyone who looked closely at the design concept would have ever gone near the building in the first place. I am certainly not surprised that it collapsed. I am more surprised that BOTH WTC 1 and 2 collapsed. I am aware that a group of hundreds of architects and thousands of other people insist that those three buildings could not have imploded accidentally. Correct. But then they go off on tangential conspiracy theories wherein hundreds of workers secretly wired all of those buildings with 'nano-thermite' over a period of years. The problem with that scenario is that you make the Saudis who crashed hijacked airplanes into the WTC merely dupes of another, more invisible group. I suppose we have our choice. The Jews, the Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Harmonious fist tong, a wronged woman, alien invasion, whatever. The problem with that is it is incredibly difficult to believe. A group or nation or someone put together a plan so complex that it had do chance of success and pursued it for many years without being discovered. THEN they coordinated a multiple attack which can only have succeeded of the US government, under three or four presidents, was implicit - working in tandem with bin Ladin, the Saudis, the Israelis and the hundreds of people who were on those four airplanes - some of whom field in a field to prevent it. Even GOD can only send locusts and frogs. He draws the line at 757s. I'm thinking that WTC 1 and 2, which were only the second and third serious open-tube cantilevered buildings built, and which were designed in the 60s, suffered from design problems and shoddy material here and there rather than from a conspiracy so complex that only a few of us weren't privy to it. This site disappeared from the Internet in 2003. The comments in red are by an unknown person and represent the counterpoint to the main report. I include this link to demonstrate the extremes of conspiracy. This one is clearly anti-Israel. Others are anti-something else. All start out with what is known and run off a cliff with it. I don't think it's that complicated. I think that if someone wants to start a war, just whisper into Dubya's ear that he was divinely selected to eradicate the anti-Christ in the middle east. From that point, follow the money. I'll bet if you follow the money into the WTC, you find that right down the line you got 70 cent steel when you specified and paid a buck for a better grade. Wherever you see the word 'proof', you know it's not. US government cannot send assistance to New Orleans when a Hurricane inundates it. The United States cannot collect taxes from companies that don't want to pay them - or take it's responsibility to protect the country against financial predators - BP, Wall Street, banks - and itself - seriously. The DEA continues to specifically ignore Presidential mandates. None of the branches of government pay any attention to the President or Congress or the Supreme Court. There is no one watching the hen-house. Our own government has become a malignant cancer on each of us. The United States is not capable of handling it's own checkbook or of successfully prosecuting wars against civilians - whether Afghan or Libyan or, sadly, AMERICAN civilians. If 9-11 was an excuse to create and set the TSA loose on us, it worked. But at the cost of our entire country falling into third-world status, one wonders WHY. Why can the TSA ignore the Constitution? Is anyone aware that...people...can read your cell-phone data? ALL OF IT? Oh, yeah. This is the stuff commercially available. Some isn't. And listen to your phone calls and record your data transmissions - as well as identify and record any calls or data you receive. There may be a reason reason Bradley Manning was arrested and tortured. As a warning. Sit down and shut up or else. That a PFC who couldn't have had access to seriously classified material is getting worse treatment than Aldrich Ames or Robert Hanssen who REALLY did damage bothers me. A lot. I won't.
TIt's the gunner - not the gun and it's the idiot - not the isotope.
-T. Burnett, 2011 "We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water"
-Nehemiah 4:23b Follow Nehemiah's advice - attn: Dr. Tom Powered by Ubuntu 11.04 beta
TIt's the gunner - not the gun and it's the idiot - not the isotope.
-T. Burnett, 2011 "We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water"
-Nehemiah 4:23b Follow Nehemiah's advice - attn: Dr. Tom Powered by Ubuntu 11.04 beta
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