Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The VFW insists the we not burn the Holy Qur'an.

ut they are wrong.  We are either free, or we are subjects oif Islam. Ann Barnhardt is Roman Catholic.  I am atheist.  I present Ann explaining the problem - with subtitles in Hebrew.  [snicker]. 

I cannot afford to buy a Qur'an.  Instead, I print pages of it one at a time on my printer, cut them up, defecate on them,  soak them in bacon grease and use them to start trash fires.

Interestingly, Ann's beliefs and mine are incompatible - yet neither she nor I have any idea that killing each other might be the best way so solve these differences. We will defend each other to the death - we are a rare breed: AMERICANS.

I have no doubt whatsoever that numerous death warrants have been issued for her by Muslims - like the fatwah issued against me when I named my bull MOOhammad. The person who translated Salman Rushdie's 'Satanic Verses' into Japanese was stabbed to death.  Danish cartoonists are the targets of violence. Theo Van Gogh, a filmmaker, was butchered in the streets.

Ann has a very nice (pink) AR-15. The day she needs to use it, I will be standing with her with my more traditional M1.  But anyone who thinks we ought to appease the radicals so they won't kill us anymore needs to learn a little history.  Appeasement never works.  Stand up.

I applaud Ann Barnhardt for actually having the 'brains and balls' that the rest of America needs.  We fought to be free. Many forces are now conspiring to convince us that fighting for freedom is not good.  'Violence' is bad in all it's forms - we should not  stand and defend our country, town, property, family, or ourselves.  It's better to die a victim than to foiht for anything at all.  Bullshit.  Take my freedom from my cold, dead fingers.  Come get it.

a hui hou

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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