Thursday, July 14, 2011

Read these two blogs today, even if you don't read anything else.

Did you ever hear of Weiss ratings? You ought to know about them.  You can sign up free on their website  

and then look at their sovereign debt ratings here.

It ought to get your attention.

There still seems to be a logical disconnect between what is going to happen and what people HOPE is (or isn't ) going to happen.

The first one is more thorough and contains some excellent gems of wisdom from Ben Bernanke which, in any rational society, would get him rope burns.

I note that precious metals are poised for their big jump.  The entire world believes they are going to jump up.  I think they are going to jump down after a blip over their previous highs.  Low 1600s for gold, 45 for silver.  Then they tank. 

I believe that for the same reason I always have. I had a lateral leap of logic. It goes like this:  "If there is nothing to buy, money can't buy it".  

When one QUADRILLION dollars of Credit Default Swaps tank, where are you going to get dinner?  If you aren't growing food, you aren't going to have any food.

"But wait!  I have a year of food and water stocked for my family!"  That's great.  Some people will be over in about an hour to kill you for it if you don't give it up willingly.

"I have a gun!"  Yeah.  They'll take that, too.  Even if you remembered how to use it, it's locked in a closet somewhere and you lost the key years ago. You don't have any ammunition anyway.


That's not all the good news, though.  I'm having some minor knee surgery tomorrow.  It will be my last elective admission to a hospital.  If you aren't a physician, this won't interest you but Klebsiella pneumoniae bacterium is a very frequent cause of hospital infections

It has been turning up with genes which make a couple of really nasty enzymes.  The enzymes - the KPC series and the NDM series - are gram-negative (which easily transfer genes horizontally) - to E.coli for instance.  Which is in and on every bilateral.  And they are, for the most part, completely insensitive to carbapenems which WAS the last line of defense against MRSA.

A lot MORE people are starting to die from simple medical mistakes and hospital infections - I have blogging about this for a few years too, and you know about MRSA if you have been following the literature, so we won't delve into a medical treatise.  If you want to read about it, you can.  Google MRSA.

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