Monday, November 7, 2011

Conservative extremists can't have it both ways.

Shooting a peacefully-walking cameraman who is filming a police line from a clear and respectful distance -- there is no violent action visible in the film anywhere -- is felony assault if you or I do it.

Why isn't the cop who did this under arrest?

Stop calling this sort of incident "brutality" and start calling it what the clear video evidence appears to show: A felony

Shooting a peacefully-walking cameraman who is filming a police line from a clear and respectful distance -- there is no violent action visible in the film anywhere -- is felony assault if you or I do it.

Why isn't the cop who did this under arrest?

Stop calling this sort of incident "brutality" and start calling it what the clear video evidence appears to show: A felony.


90% of success is showing up.  Getting the math right is the other 50%.
Aut viam inveniam aut  faciamaut viam inveniam aut faciam.

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