Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't be fooled. Islam is not our friend.

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Jihad Watch
Nov 18, 2011 03:09 am | Marisol

Demand justice for a prior attack, get attacked again. Supporters of a "Islamist" political party reportedly joined in. Welcome to the "new" Egypt. "Dozens hurt as Christian march attacked in Cairo," from Agence France-Presse, November 17: Hundreds of Coptic Christians marching in Cairo on Thursday came under attack by assailants...

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Nov 18, 2011 03:05 am | Marisol

This measure is not the first of its kind. In January, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik "directed the authorities to block websites and [texts] 'propagating an anti-Islam agenda'." And now, part of the magic list, from a sidebar in the same link as this report: Athlete's footFlatulenceJesus ChristMonkey crotchBack doorBewaquf...

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Nov 18, 2011 03:02 am | Marisol

Nobody wanted to be on the pimp committee. Everything else had to wait. As observed here, there is a noteworthy obsession with prostitution in many Islamic communities, where it is often threatened as the consequence of this or that reform in favor of women's rights. Never mind those "temporary" Islamic...

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Nov 17, 2011 03:31 pm | Robert

"These are all troubling signs for all those who wanted a secular Libya." I tried to tell you. "Libya’s Islamists Ransack Mosque Graves in Power Struggle," by Christopher Stephen for Bloomberg, November 17 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Libyan gunmen broke into the Saif al-Nasr...

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Nov 17, 2011 11:59 am | Marisol

"The memo sent to Adm. Mike Mullen, the top U.S. military officer at the time, reportedly offered to curb support to Islamist militants from Pakistan's military intelligence service, the ISI." "Pakistani ambassador to US caught in controversy," by Chris Brummitt for the Associated Press, November 17: ISLAMABAD (AP) — The...

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Nov 17, 2011 11:43 am | Marisol

One again wonders how those in charge of discerning "sexy" eyes will be chosen. Perhaps there will just be a perfunctory "Sexy/Not Sexy" training PowerPoint. More on this story. "Saudi moral committee threatens to cover “tempting” women’s eyes," by Manar Ammar for Bikya Masr, November 16: Women with sexy...

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Nov 17, 2011 11:32 am | Marisol

Not even your field trip to the Amalgamated Wingnut factory in fifth grade was this lame. These students were from "Isfahan universities," but how free they were to opt in or out of this trip is not clear (what would happen if someone said "no"?). In any case, the creepiness...

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Nov 17, 2011 11:12 am | Marisol

"They did what? Darn." The South Carolina hospital, in its efforts not to offend, wound up offending far more people, and has thought better of it. An update on this story. "South Carolina Hospital To Allow Santa Back After Public Backlash," from Associated Press, November 16 (thanks to Kenneth):...

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Nov 17, 2011 11:00 am | Robert

There are several celebrated incidents in which Muhammad lashed out violently against poets, ordering their murder for the crime of making fun of him -- including Abu ‘Afak, who was over one hundred years old, and the poetess ‘Asma bint Marwan. Abu ‘Afak was killed in his sleep, in response...

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Nov 17, 2011 07:09 am | Robert

Shocker: Tunisia's Islamic supremacists, after being dubbed "moderate Islamists" in the mainstream media, are showing themselves to be anything but "moderate." And so here we go yet again: I tried to tell you. When I started warning last winter that Islamic supremacists were in the best position to take advantage...

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Nov 17, 2011 05:49 am | Robert

Last night on ABN I debated the jihadists Anjem Chaudary and Abu Bara on the question of whether democracy or theocracy was a better model for society....

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