Sunday, November 13, 2011

I am going to post this just once more.

The economy of the world is tanking.  It is not sustainable - it is not recoverable.  It is the end of conspicuous consumption.  Many, or even most of the people who read my stuff still believe in Precious metals.  And, sure enough, the price of silver and gold is snaking up, while the more rare platinum isn't.  The argument I hear most often is this "When paper currency becomes worthless, by ounce of gold will be worth $10,000.  It may well be.  But it will be worth $10,000 of the worthless dollars you are trying to hedge against.  It doesn't matter how much it's worth in dollars if dollars are worthless.

The people who don't read this have no idea what gold and silver are selling for.  They don't have any and if the dollar fails, they will either take your gold and silver at face value or not at all.  If someone can explain why I'd trade a $20 St.Gaudins gold double eagle for more than $20 - of the value "I" set after the dollar fails, tell me why.

I have my own idea about what constitutes 'Precious metals".  Hard goods.  Firearms and ammunition, spare parts, optics. cast iron cookware, KNOWLEDGE.  What do I hear? "But your firearms won't be worth anything either".  Of course they aren't - in dollars.  But I'm not going to be selling them.  They are worth my life and my ability to take and keep food and protect my home and family.

If I can do that, and you can't, who will be coming to whom for food, shelter, and safety.  Keep your gold and silver.  Brink your abilities, your honesty, your knowledge, and your compassion.  But at my train stop, if you come in peace, you will be repaid in kind.  If you come to take and not to give, or to share, we'll see.

This shouldn't read like a threat.  It isn't.  I don't make threats - it just gives the other person a heads-up.  This should read like a friendly offer of mutual community should the need ever arise.  But, while we are not aggressors, neither are we victims.  We don't threaten.  We don't raise our voices.  We are enlightened and at peace.  Please do not disturb the harmony of anyone's life while you are among us.  We shall treat you like a jewel on the cushion of hospitality until you decide otherwise.

a hui hou

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