Monday, November 14, 2011


Makana at the APEC Dinner, Hawaii

--- On Mon, 11/14/11, YouTube Service <> wrote:

Here is the other version.
From: YouTube Service <>
Subject: whiteb5150 sent you a video: "OCCUPY WITH ALOHA: Makana at the APEC Dinner, Hawaii"
Date: Monday, November 14, 2011, 11:28 AM

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whiteb5150 has shared a video with you on YouTube:

In this version Makana tells the FULL STORY as well as sings the full version of the song, "We Are The Many."

Makana's guitar tech shot this with a camera phone during his performance for the World Leaders Dinner at APEC, which was hosted by the First Family.

Makana wore an "Occupy with Aloha" t-shirt under his black blazer and sang his newest song, "We are the Many," an anthem of sorts for Occupy protestors.

He had to be extremely discreet as Secret Service had warned those on site that any phones used to capture photography or video would be confiscated. Since the technician has a guitar tuner app on the phone they were able to justify having it out, but grabbing video was not easy. They were under constant surveillance. Makana likes to have video of his every performance saying, "It's my art and my right."

About an hour into his set of generally ambient guitar music and Hawaiian tunes, he felt in... more

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