Monday, February 15, 2010

The explanation for spooky organic events at a distance.

I shall post this and let someone attempt to disprove it.  It's bad science, but it works.

It has been observed that the menstrual periods of women who dorm together tend to coordinate.  Non-migratory birds who do not directly communicate with isolated groups of their species still learn to make the same tools.  It has been postulated that learning by observation is involved.  Alex Bell and Edison both made it to the patent office within days or hours to patent the telephone and Darwin published when he did because someone else was almost ready to.

I just read an interesting article about orangutans in Borneo who have learned to use leaves to alter their calls.  When the observer gets to another population of orangutans outside Borneo, that knowledge will pass with them or may have preceded them.

It is not a matter of observation.  Certainly animals can learn from observation, but species-wide knowledge cannot pass at the speed we observe and women cannot intentionally coordinate their cycles.  A great deal of what has passed for 'coincidence' or 'synchronicity' in diverse disciplines from psychology to biology, in studies of plants and bilaterals and even the supernatural is explainable.

What we are discussing here is quantum entanglement.  My postulate that random walks cannot occur without a potential destination makes good sense out of the certainty that quantum entanglement occurs at all levels of biology.

I suspect that, because humans go to school, a bias has been developed that learning requires either some sort of education or observation.  Certainly observation and reproducibility in experimentation is required in science; but an inability to explain a phenomenon does not require us to fall back to and supposition....either learning or a supernatural event...what I like to call suppository thinking.  It requires that we instead expand our thought processes to formulate new hypotheses.

I know things I never learned.  You do too.  People CAN actually tell the instant their child is killed or injured thousands of miles away.  Dogs and cats (and everything else) CAN actually find their owners after being left or displaced hundreds or even thousands of miles away.  We see this all the time; we read about it....but we never consider that it is impossible within our current state of we disregard the import of what we have just seen.

You can sit by someone and if they are having strong emotional or even logical thoughts, you can 'read' them.  We call that 'chemistry'.  You can immediately tell if you have it and with who.  That is not otherwise explainable except through quantum entanglement.  

So 'random walks' are not random.  The math that proves they are is not proof.  It is a formula searching for a problem.  Let us search for the process of entanglement and communication throughout nature in addition to pure observation and pheromones.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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