Monday, February 15, 2010


I don't mind vegetarians at all as long as your food choices make you healthy. I try to keep meat out of my diet, but I am not a fanatic about it.  Neither are Muslims or Ultra-orthodox Jews. Let me tell you that if you are starving, you will eat whatever there is to eat.  There are several instances noted in the Bible of people cooking and eating their own children.  I think that's tacky.  At the very least you could trade your kid for a kid you don't know and eat that one.  There are similar stories all over the world throughout all ages.

But if you refuse to eat meat because killing animals is cruel, let me learn you something.  Evolution rewards adaptation.  If we had not needed to stand on two legs and hunt, we wouldn't have and we would not have developed the bigger brain that hunting, which is a VERY dangerous game if you are using sharp sticks to hunt large, tusked animals, requires.

The simple fact is that if we had NOT needed the fat and protein, nature would not have rewarded the best hunters, merely the best providers.  We would still have small brains and swing from trees.  We would not have had access to the portable food for children, nor learned how to preserve it or use the skins for clothing against the weather or a need to communicate more than a few syllables and we....I refer here to Caucasians...would not have survived the last ice age.

Many humans would have; Africans, some of whom live now exactly like they did 10,000 years ago; Neanderthals who had a different body structure much more suited to northern weather are examples, but so are Aborigines and Eskimos.

People who lived in tropical areas anywhere in the world would have had a much better chance than those who had moved into the temperate climes which changes suddenly into arctic or sub-arctic.  You might wish to ask a member of the Inuit how their fruit and vegetables are growing and if they could make a go of it without clothing and boots made of animal skin, or without fishhooks made of bone.

The chances are actually quite good that you exist ONLY because some ancestor from the dim past happened to smell a charred mastodon...or even more likely a member of your own group of whatever orangutans which was hit by lightning and it smelled good enough to eat. Having done so, someone or something discovered that they weren't hungry again in fifteen minutes and they could belch, fart and nap or chase females instead of constantly getting stung by bees which were competing for the same food...sort of.

The next great event in human history was not the development of agriculture as is widely believed.  Oh, no.     It was beer. 

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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