Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jihad Watch Daily Digest for 02/19/2010

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Jihad Watch
Feb 19, 2010 07:38 pm | Robert

Oh, and all that genocidal rhetoric against Israel? Just kidding! "Imam Khamenei says Iran will never seek atom bomb," from the Ahlul Bayt News Agency, February 19 (thanks to Block Ness): Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said Friday that the country neither believes in atomic bombs...

Feb 19, 2010 07:26 pm | Robert

Defense from what? Here is an interesting email I received from Jihad Watch reader Terence: I am a resident of Ireland and I've noticed recently that the website for MPAC ireland has been featuring a link reading "The Muslim Defence Force - I pledge allegiance" betwixt black and white flags...

Feb 19, 2010 07:09 pm | Robert

Journalistic irresponsibility and bias example #281,328,616, from "Know Your Conspiracies" in Newsweek, February 12 (thanks to Daniel). Number Nine on this list of crackpot conspiracy theories comes this gem: 9. The Council on American-Islamic Relations is trying to infiltrate Capitol Hill and spread jihad. Author Dave Gaubatz alleges that the...

Feb 19, 2010 06:56 pm | Robert

The inaugural event of the Freedom Defense Initiative this morning at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC, this morning was a big hit, with a standing-room-only crowd. I'm in the airport now and have tried repeatedly to upload the photo of the crowd, but have failed; so go...

Feb 19, 2010 01:55 pm | Marisol

Indeed. The Somali jihadists have already threatened Kenya, Uganda and Burundi, and even Israel, and will eventually attempt an attack outside of Somalia. All of this activity points ultimately to the global nature of the jihadist agenda, above and beyond what are all too often written off as "regional" or...

Feb 19, 2010 07:51 am | Marisol

Of course, as they're already under the thumb of Sharia enforcers, they can't be sure of what might happen if they said anything else. An update on this story. "Malaysian women say caning "good" for them," by David Chance for Reuters, February 18: KUALA LUMPUR - Three Malaysians who became...

Feb 19, 2010 07:40 am | Marisol

Terrorism is a method, not an ideology; hence, it's the ideology that ought to be of interest, but, you know, we're not supposed to talk about that. "Three accused 'intoxicated by the evil of terrorism'," from BBC News, February 18: Three men "intoxicated by the evil of terrorism" trained in...

Feb 19, 2010 06:35 am | Robert

I have headed back to the old East Coast for this morning's inaugural event of the Freedom Defense Initiative. At 10AM Eastern Pamela Geller and I will be presenting "Jihad: The Political Third Rail -- What They're Not Telling You," featuring Wafa Sultan, Steve Coughlin, Anders Gravers of SIOE,...

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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