Friday, March 26, 2010

So you are rich.

Words which speak to ethics should be important to everyone. They aren't, except to people like you and me.

We should not have outsourced our souls and country to give rich investors two more cents per share of profit at the expense of losing the entire middle class.

We should not have allowed the largest con in the history of the world to have destroyed our economy....for no matter what anyone says, we can never pay off that debt; so our choices are to become a third-world country or start paying our bills with nuclear weapons. You don't have to pay if the creditor doesn't exist.... See More

But that will be tough since the countries we'd have to nuke supply most of our consumer goods and, not coincidentally, have their own nukes. And, since the fifties, they have been making and implementing strategies for beating us at our own game, which is greed. Our best and brightest scientists, even in the most classified areas of weapons research speak English as a second language.

Do you know who REALLY owns this country? China and Saudia Arabia. The only commercial planes flying on 9/11 were Saudi and when China decides to take back Taiwan we have already agreed to it. It still amazes me though, that we still sell Taiwan our best battle technology which they give to China to buy a little more time.

Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, and all the other super-billionaires have nice homes and jet airplanes but they don't matter much. They eat the same food I do, shower with the same water and wear clothes made of the same materiel as mine. So what if they have gold-plated forks and spoons? All in all, rich merely means you have more to lose. Not that you don't have the same problems I do. I'm almost 62. I am happy to have nothing to worry about. I don't care about any of the problems which give people ulcers.

I watch rich and famous people die every day and none of them were happy with what they had. They can't walk down the street, they can't do anything unless it is private and guarded. They bought themselves into a prison they can never escape.

All of their money and yours and mine and every bit of land and natural resources we have left won't begin to touch the national debt because we can no longer monetize our wealth into anything real. It's all paper. People wipe their butts with paper. It's not edible.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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