Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is 'Obamacare the 'real dea'l?

No.  At least not from my reading of it. OK then, why did it pass? For two reasons. First, because Obama finally realized that doing nothing was not 'change we can believe in'... and secondly, someone FINALLY told the Democrats in Congress the purpose of having a majority. When your party has the majority, you get your way. If you have a majority but don't get your way, you are worthless and weak sissiphants.

Unfortunately, no one told them that passing imaginary legislation was not the way to appear strong and engaged. So they just picked something that was pretty useless after a year of giving parts of it away and passed it anyway just to show the Repugnicans they could.

That was fine....one party cannot assume, as the Republicans have for two terms of Dubya that God is providing Divine guidance and that they cannot be smacked down like they have been doing to the Demoncrats.... See More

But you can't win every fight. Smart people pick their fights. If it had been a good bill; an honest bill; a bill which corrected a wrong, there should have been no opposition.

Even a marginal bill should fly....one of the perquisites of being President is that you get to peddle a little of your personal agenda and get a toot from Monica Lewinsky or Lady Gaga or, really, whoever you prefer..

However, a President's first job is to clean up his predecessor's shit. If you don't, it becomes yours. Because Obama didn't kick all the Bush appointees who caused the economic meltdown out....they are still in charge....he now owns that problem. Because he didn't close Gitmo on day one and get the hell out of two senseless wars, he owns that mess as well.

Any you cannot start trying to score political points when the country is going south if you have not at least ATTEMPTED course corrections. If you don't know what to do with the prisoners in Gitmo, put them on a ship to Somalia. There are a LOT of icebergs between here and Somalia. Rush Limbaugh thinks we need to be in Iraq, so make him the Ambassador. Ann Coulter can have the job in Pakistan. GET THESE PEOPLE ENGAGED! They want to go! They are patriots! Send them!

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -~Edmund Burke

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