Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Manifesto to America redux

Article 1.

Regards the Constitution of The United States with Preamble and Amendments. This is the document upon which our society is based. These are the laws by which we live, and no other. The definitions it includes are clear and do not vary from one political administration to another. All elected officials are sworn to protect this document as written and failure to do so to the best of one's knowledge and ability is treason, a hanging offense.

Article 2.

All contracts of any kind including retail sales must be equally fair and beneficial to all parties concerned. Any product offered must be as-stated and sufficient to accomplish the task for which it is sold for as long as it is intended to last. Consumables of any sort must actually be consumable as packaged and may not present a known health risk. 

Article 3.

News shall be news and not opinion or propaganda, advertising shall be true and not misleading, businesses and corporations shall be morally and ethically responsible for their products and actions. The fact that consumers are stupid and devoid of the intelligence they need to make an informed choice shall be considered for their protection, not to their disadvantage.

(a) Products which promise or hint at a future payoff which is beyond the pale of current science are scams. This includes but is not limited to astrology, 'psychic readings' and organized religion. If you promise someone an afterlife through an invisible entity you must prove it exists. 

(b) This is no way restricts any individual from any belief system they choose but affirms that ones beliefs are personal, confidential and private and requires everyone to mind their own business and not attempt to foist their views on anyone else. My church doesn't ask you to suspend reality while you are inside or check your gun at the door. I'm wearing mine and I want you to wear yours. Some of the worst things happen on Sunday morning because no one expects them.  Why people believe God is listening to them at all on Sunday astounds me.  Sunday is HIS day of rest.

Article 4. 

People who cannot or choose not to distinguish right from wrong must take it upon themselves to learn or risk being killed by some man or woman who does and chooses to protect themselves, their family or property. Self defense is the absolute right and responsibility of every citizen.  The government has no duty to protect you as an individual.

Article 5.

They are your kids. You chose to have them so you have the sole responsibility of feeding and clothing them. You must accept responsibility for their actions until they leave home and you must teach them right from wrong. "Time outs" aren't as effective as a strap across the butt.  If you bring your brats to my house they had better stand still and be as quiet and attentive as my dog is when we come to visit you. He will sit quietly at my side until we leave. I expect your kids to be as well behaved as my dog. 

Article 6.

We are fighting in Afghanistan.  No one knows why. We have no business in Afghanistan.  England lost their war there.  So did Russia.  So will we.  EVERY Afghan male adult is armed with a wicked knife and an AK-47 or better and they will fight although they have nothing of value to fight for.  We have the greatest country in the world yet our own people are trying to make us defenseless and revert women to the status of property with no freedom of choice.  That's just wrong. If you can't trust your own citizens, who CAN you trust?  A politician? There is still one generation alive who won't tolerate it but we are dying off.

"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
~Edmund Burke

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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