I have always said that I am not a conspiracy theorist...no way, no how. But I have just developed a conspiracy theory which makes sense to me. I will begin to outline it in segments. The KGB under the USSR and even the CIA have written books..some of which may be in the public domain...describing exactly how to destroy the US even though we hold the preponderance of nuclear weapons. It was recognized early on that Mutually Assured Destruction makes no sense, but that wars can be won through strictly economic means. That's how we disrupted the USSR and that's what Russia is now doing to us via Afghanistan and peddling influence in congress through proxies whose job it is to lobby for completely stupid and bad solutions to problems.Every-single-time a government (or anyone) 'bans' something or mis-regulates, they simply create an opportunity (or a market) where there wasn't one before. It is one of the most avaricious and destructive traits of any government. Conversely, eliminating ALL rules and regulations, such as deregulating the banking industry, just lets criminals do criminal acts without fear or repercussion. If a democratically elected government continuously and repeatedly fails to respond to the needs of it's citizenry, there is a skunk somewhere. Regulations which permit fair profit in exchange for fair play and corporate responsibility seem to be too elusive to enact. It's either no regulation or a complete ban. And that sets us up. In that radicalized scenario, EVERY choice, either way, is bad. The government no longer has a reasonable path to follow. Every path leads off a cliff. That's where we find ourselves at this moment. It is thus be remarkably easy for someone to be influenced by political affiliation or money or loyalty to another country to make the worst-choice bad decision out of two possible bad decisions. I am going to use Russia as an example because her influence is well known and ongoing. But China and Israel and every other country have stakes and play for keeps. It is well known that the Russians have had the financial branches of our government infiltrated since the 1920s and they have continued to move that agenda along. First, it is relatively easy to get someone into a financial institution...there are really no serious checks and balances like the CIA and FBI are SUPPOSED to have but really don't. Proof? https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/History_of_Soviet_and_Russian_espionage_in_the_United_States Let me mention that the 'Illegals program' of June 2010 was a joke. Those weren't spies. I presume they and several hundred others were sent here simply to be used as throw-aways to keep the FBI busy and/or when someone needed to 'prove' themselves and/or to deflect the immediate attention off of someone else. I hearken back to the Iranian nuclear scientist who 'defected', gave us all sorts of what will prove to be phony information, and re-defected. I am pretty sure that was a disinformation campaign designed to provoke either the US or Israel into attacking an empty guano mine and this starting WW3. I wonder if anyone happened to be paying attention to the political cycle which was disrupted by the news of the "spy ring"? I read the stories and it is impossible that a Russian spy would make Russian-language videos to post on Facebook and send secret messages about nothing from Borders to Starbucks via Wi-Fi. I am not that stupid and neither are the Russians. So they were 'outed' for a specific reason and repatriated within a couple of days...which proves they were not real spies and had no real secrets and their arrests merely took the heat off of someone. That someone is a foreign agent. I don't know who it is but I am sure it is someone close to the President and who holds his ear. It seems impossible to me that the United States can actually have been led down this path of complete stupidity...starting useless wars, depleting our treasury..spying on Americans...and eventually going bankrupt, all by accident. Now...I am not saying there is a concerted effort by many people which is the normally understood expression of a conspiracy. 'Vast' is often used to describe conspiracies...but conspiracies which work are, by necessity, small, innocuous and unprovable. What I am saying is that one or two people in the right place can simply make bad judgment calls for which they can't really be blamed. would think people like Alan Greenspan and Tim Geithner have been in positions like that, but I am not making accusations; merely providing a description of what effect the bad decisions of one or two people can have on an entire nation. Rahm Emmanual and, to a lesser extent (now) Elena Kagan are in positions like that as well. By definition, unintended consequences cannot be planned for in advance but they are always going to appear. I shall give two examples of decisions which are having unforeseen and unintended consequences: The first one seems unlikely to have happened by accident - either the actions or the the consequences. The 'Bailout' was supposed to buy the toxic mortgages and take them off the banks' books. None of them were taken off the banks' books. It is now easier to get a small business loan from a drug cartel which has warehouses full of money to launder through honest businesses than it is to get a loan from a bank. And the rates and terms are BETTER. So the unintended consequence of the CORRECTION to the financial meltdown and the creation of TBTF (and the useless war on drugs) is to make drug cartels the new banks. Naturally they don't advertise that it's drug money, but it's out there and there is so much of it that you don't have to worry about 'enforcers' or, most of the time, repossession. They just ask for an extra month's interest and off you go. And the government is enabling them. Unintentionally, but it is happening and we are not going to ever correct it. Once something is ensconced in 'policy', it is carved in stone for the most part. This one is much more likely to have been a result of simple stupidity. It's hard to imagine someone planning this.We (humanity) now face another unintended consequence of creating hypoxic zones and of global warming. Jellyfish. Jellyfish predate fish and can live in temperature and acidic water extremes that humans and corals cannot tolerate. Because the ocean is getting warmer, if only by a small amount so far, and because we have depleted all of the ocean fish which eat jellyfish, their niche as the predominant life form in the oceans has returned after 500 million years. This matters greatly. RIGHT NOW, every desalination plant or other facility (including nuclear power plants) which pumps ocean water is in danger of being clogged by jellyfish. Every aquaculture farm is in danger of losing it's entire stock to an onslaught of jellyfish....and every ship which pumps water...like ALL nuclear aircraft carriers for instance are in immediate danger of losing propulsion anywhere in the world. And this isn't some potential future problem. It is upon us. There is a pretty descriptive article in the Smithsonian Magazine July/August 2010 edition. The article is entitled "Jellyfish: The next King of the Sea?" Comments are welcome. This is an open forum.
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