Saturday, July 24, 2010

More war. Good idea!

American infrastructure...roads, sewers, the electrical grid and power stations, water supply, 1960s technology, or earlier.  We are borrowing a billion dollars a day from China just to break even and all of it is going to line the pockets of even more dysfunctional governments then ours and to provide military aid to BOTH Israel AND all the countries which are Israel's enemies.  We are paying them not to fight by modernizing their ability to do just that.

Both the federal government and 46 states are bankrupt. Police and fire services are already being disrupted or eliminated.

We need 22 million new jobs right now to put everyone to work and pay enough tax so we can just stop borrowing money and that wouldn't even put us back in the plus column.  But the whole WORLD is broke and everyone is competing for those jobs. We can't compete so we won't get the jobs.

We are going to run out of water by 2020 and people like Senator Inhofe, the intellectual peer of Sarah Palin, cannot seem to grasp that every year is now hotter than the last and the weather all over the world is getting wonky.

The senate is becoming a billionaire's club. They exist only to further their own agendas, not for the betterment of America. Tell me why else a billionaire would spend $100 million of their own money to get a seat in congress?

We are doomed.

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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